Cost Modelling and Line Management
With SI Cost Modelling and Line Management Set up calculations for the entire value of the fish against the production output, such as the price of a whole salmon against its filleted output and the product codes.
Fish market rate prices are subject to extreme volatility and can change by £1-2 per kg each day. SI’s cost modelling software takes account of the current price for landed fish by species, fish processing stages, and calculates the price for finished products and retail pack.
Using our cost modelling software, calculations are set up for the entire value of the fish against the production output. For example, the price of a whole salmon against its filleted output and the individual product codes.
These detailed product codes measure the differences in yield and cut, including:
- Skin on (when the yield will be better)
- Skin off
- Square cut
- Trim
For specialist processes, such as smoked salmon, the trays of fillets are issued to a smoking process. Afterwards, the fillets are weighed and booked as a smoked product.
Managing product substitution
Another option available is within our cost modelling software is product substitution management, where the differences in yields and giveaway will be measured for fixed weight.