Picking and Despatch Management Software
With SI’s Picking and Despatch Management applications, eliminate human error and dramatically reduce customer credits.
Integrating with both the demands of retail and food service customers, our flexible picking and despatch management solutions enable food manaufacturers to:
- Match retail customer requirements, by building or split pallets using barcode integration and validation, to match orders.
- Dynamically manage high product proliferation for food service businesses with boxed products linked to stock availability and management.
- Automatically create specific despatch documents and readable labels that retailers, multiples and food service customers require.
- Track percentage complete in real-time and colour code by pick status.
- Validate at “point of pick” products, quantities and use by dates, and prevent incorrect picking, which often leads to customer credits and fines.
- Electronically send despatch information directly to the customer based on orders received.
- Capture electronic signatures on delivery.
- Review and interrogate live and historic information in multiple ways, from order to despatch dates.
- Scan orders on to haulier.
“Financially, the improvements in picking and despatch represent a huge saving that, in itself, easily pays for SI’s system. What’s more is that it’s a scaleable saving as, if we double in turnover, then we’ll also double the saving.”
MC Kelly
Ensure what’s ordered is always delivered
By showing all the orders in real-time, picking and despatch management staff can manage each day based on date selection, customer, or even vehicle priority, and view scanning progress against orders. And instructions to pick stock that allocated to an order can also be specified according to stock rotation.
The despatch team can also use the “Stock Location” view to look at what’s available on stock and actual locations.
Managing soft allocation of stock
Our software can also “soft allocate stock”. For greater control, this feature can be set up with user permissions.
To request a demo and find out more about our Picking and Despatch management software, please fill in form at the bottom of this page.
How does SI’s picking and despatch management technology work on the shop floor?
- As picking staff either scan products or pack into despatch boxes, real-time data capture shows when to register the order as complete.
- Produce ASNs (advance shipping notices) and SSID labels to accompany pallets.
- Automatically produce case end customer labels for every box, including specific requirements, such as brand-related information.
- Access to real-time shop-floor data will provide your customers with all the evidence needed to prove traceability.
- For food processors operating on a first-in-first-out stock basis, users can simply scan the product label, and key in required quantity as our software will automatically allocate all stock to orders.
Picking and despatch management
With SI’s Picking and Despatch Management application, eliminate human error and dramatically reduce customer credits. Build and split pallets using barcode validation to match orders, create despatch documents, validate at point of pick, track percentages complete and more.
For more information on our MES and shop floor data capture, select the options:
To find out more about how SI’s picking and despatch software will improve efficiencies within your food business, simply complete the form and we’ll get right back to you.
For food manufacturers, track picking and despatch in real-time with SI.